
Youtube HQ Shooting

  On April 8 2018, there was a shooting at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno California. The shooter was a 38 year old female named Nasim Najafi Aghdam. She got in through the exterior parking garage. The gun she used was a smith and Wesson 9 mm semi auto pistol. One person died and 4 people were injured during the shooting. Before the shooting she was reported that she went to a shooting range.

Youtube red article thoughts

YouTube Red article thoughts  I feel like YouTube red is a good service and costs $10 a month which is a decent price although i would of like it cheaper. Maybe $5 a month would of been more fair. YouTube red offers a free 1 month trail but it does require your credit card so it would charge you after the month. YouTube red offers exclusive YouTube series created by YouTubers, background play, and ad free videos.. YouTube red actually helps creators on the site make more money and better content for their viewers and fans stated in the article. T he service will also include a roster of programming from big companies like 21st Century Fox, and NBCUniversal. Steel, Conor Dougherty and Emily. “YouTube Introduces YouTube Red, a Subscription Service.”  The New York Times , The New York Times, 21 Oct. 2015,

How to subscribe on youtube

Subscribing lets you keep up with your favorite YouTubers and notify you when they upload. The only problem is sometimes it doesn't notify you when the YouTuber uploads. Step 1: Open the app Step 2: Click on the search bar Step 3: Search the youtuber you want to subscribe to Step 4: Click on the channel section Step 5: Click on the channel you want Step 6: Click subscribe Step 7: Click on notification bell Step 8: Click back home Step 9: Click on subscriptions Step 10: Watch videos and enjoy!
Image YouTube is my most used and liked app on my phone and computer. I use YouTube to watch video games, wrestling, music, and vlogs. I subscribed to 50 different YouTubers. They all produce the content I enjoy. I use YouTube on a daily bases. A lot of my friends and family use it and enjoy the app very much. YouTube can also be a life saver. For example, if you break something or need help on something, there will always be a video to help you with that problem. You can use YouTube on the phone, computer,  Xbox,  TV or PlayStation. There is millions beyond millions of videos on YouTube that can help or entertain you. That's why YouTube is so popular and why so many people enjoy it.